FBCM STUDENTS are a community of believers that desire to know Jesus Christ more and make Him known to others. We desire to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ that are united in love to proclaim the Gospel to our community and the world in words and deeds. We invite other students to join us to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Vision: To see students become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Mission: We seek to see students become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching them with the Gospel, teaching them to live out the Gospel, equipping them for Gospel Ministry, and sending them out to proclaim the Gospel.
- Reaching: Give opportunities for students to hear the Gospel and respond with repentance and faith.
- Teaching: Mature students’ faith in Jesus Christ by taking on the character of Jesus Christ through Bible study and prayer in the context of community.
- Equipping: Train students to serve in ministry in the context of their families, their youth group, and the local church.
- Sending: Send students out into their local communities and the world to proclaim the Gospel through evangelism and acts of mercy.
Core Values: Gospel, Bible, Prayer, Community, and Service are defining marks of the student ministry.
- Gospel: We believe that the Gospel is at the center of everything we do. The Gospel is the proclamation that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all Creation. His life shows what true obedience to God looks like and how we are to live under God’s rule. His death shows that we are unable to live according to God’s rule and deserve the consequences of our sin and separation from God. He gave His life for us and took those consequences and separation onto Himself. His resurrection shows that He has the power over death and that He is the ruler of all things. Those that submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior receive the forgiveness of sins and are made right with God, fully welcome to enjoy all that God has to offer on behalf of Jesus Christ.
- Bible: We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God that points to Jesus Christ. We commit to live gladly under its authority as the wisdom of God.
- Prayer: We believe that we are to live in personal relationship with God through prayer. Through His Holy Spirit, we can bring our requests to Him and seek His guidance.
- Community: We believe that every individual believer is called to live within the context of other believers to build each other up in love. Students ideally will have three contexts of community: their family, their youth group, and their local church. We want them to grow in their faith within these three contexts.
- Service: We believe that as believers we are to serve each other in love. We are to help each other in following Jesus Christ as brothers and sisters. We are also to serve unbelievers in such a way as to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ to them.
sunday - 10:15 am
Lighthouse Student Building
Come join this class as we use the Gospel Foundations curriculum. We are learning how the Bible is one story that points to Jesus Christ. We as believers can see the Gospel Story unfold throughout the Bible, learn how to live out a Gospel Culture and be on a Gospel Mission!
wednesday 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Lighthouse Student Building
Come join the students as they engage in good food, fun games, a time of worship, hearing the Word preached, and a time of prayer for each other and the nations. We are currently studying the character of God expressed first in Exodus 34:6-7 and later expressed many times throughout the Bible.
Student Ministry Team
Nikki Maddox
high school summer camp
Fuge Camp
Link to register - TBD
Dates: 2023 TBD
Middle school summer camp
Camp Anderson
Link to register - TBD
Dates: 2023 TBD
upcoming events
Youth Paintball and Paint Day - October 22