We hope that this gives you a little insight into a few ways you can connect with this local body. We hope this is the first step in your process of becoming all God created you to be!
The Place Where You Connect
Next Steps
If you're interested in some of the different ways you can serve here at FBC please contact us and let us know! We want to get to know you, hear your story, and see how you fit into the life of Jesus here at FBC in Marianna.
If you're interested in taking your first step of obedience in the Christian walk via Baptism we would love to talk with you and see how we can help. We believe in full submersion as a symbol of the decision you have already made. This experience helps tell the entire world who you belong to: JESUS!
Would you like to officially join in membership with our church family here at FBC? YES!! We have been waiting for you to do just that. Please contact us here so that we can begin your process and get to know you even a little deeper!
Are you blessed by God with a sweet child that you would like to dedicate in one of our services? We'd love to meet your family and say "Welcome" to your newest member. Sign up here for the next Baby Dedication so we can do just that!